Saturday, September 22, 2012

Speaking words of wisdom...

Sometimes someone says something to you and it just resonates, it springs to mind every time you have one of those days, hours, or weeks, when your thinking what the f**k am I going to do with my life? How am I going to live a happy and fulfilled life? Have I made the right choices?  blah blah, you know those annoying kinda questions that pop up every now and again! 
Well, my Granny, who is the queen of wise words, shared some of her wisdom with me one day while I was in a one of my pensive moods, padding around her kitchen contemplating all of the above... "Bronny my dear, whats for you wont pass you by" and she is right, there will come a time when seemingly random events line up, things just fall into place, when the universe gives you those hints, the synchronicity is more that just coincidence and you just know, this is for me, and if its right it wont pass me by... 

For my wise and wonderful Granny x

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