Friday, September 14, 2012

Handmade LOVE!!

I love Etsy and spend hours drooling over the handmade, vintage goodies on offer. I give major kudos to anyone that can whip up amazing pieces themselves, its a talent I unfortunately do not have seemed to have mastered, although most of my family have, so I hope its just a case of nurturing it... I,ll keep ye posted on that one!!

I came across Heart and Sow Designs recently while on one of my Etsy pervs, it is the cutest little online store stocking Handmade retro and vintage gifts, check out her aprons, you will want them all! Heart & Sow, obviously a super talented, creative genius, also make accessories, scarves, headbands and wheel chair blankets... all made awesome gift ideas, or just a nice treat to yourself, I mean who does not need a apron eh. 

adorable x

love, love, love x

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