Saturday, September 22, 2012

Speaking words of wisdom...

Sometimes someone says something to you and it just resonates, it springs to mind every time you have one of those days, hours, or weeks, when your thinking what the f**k am I going to do with my life? How am I going to live a happy and fulfilled life? Have I made the right choices?  blah blah, you know those annoying kinda questions that pop up every now and again! 
Well, my Granny, who is the queen of wise words, shared some of her wisdom with me one day while I was in a one of my pensive moods, padding around her kitchen contemplating all of the above... "Bronny my dear, whats for you wont pass you by" and she is right, there will come a time when seemingly random events line up, things just fall into place, when the universe gives you those hints, the synchronicity is more that just coincidence and you just know, this is for me, and if its right it wont pass me by... 

For my wise and wonderful Granny x

Friday, September 14, 2012

Handmade LOVE!!

I love Etsy and spend hours drooling over the handmade, vintage goodies on offer. I give major kudos to anyone that can whip up amazing pieces themselves, its a talent I unfortunately do not have seemed to have mastered, although most of my family have, so I hope its just a case of nurturing it... I,ll keep ye posted on that one!!

I came across Heart and Sow Designs recently while on one of my Etsy pervs, it is the cutest little online store stocking Handmade retro and vintage gifts, check out her aprons, you will want them all! Heart & Sow, obviously a super talented, creative genius, also make accessories, scarves, headbands and wheel chair blankets... all made awesome gift ideas, or just a nice treat to yourself, I mean who does not need a apron eh. 

adorable x

love, love, love x

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Yummi Hawaii!

I had never heard of an Acai Bowl until my trip to Hawaii, people raved about it at the hostels, its delicious, try it! So after a hard morning of wrestling with a surf board, Hannah and I headed to Bogarts  Cafe at Diamond Head to sample a well deserved Acai Bowl and it did not disappoint, a huge bowl over flowing with Blueberries, Strawberries, Bananas, Granola and of course Acai landed in front of us, honestly I struggled to finish it, it was amazing, the best $7.95 I have ever spent on food. Acai has been touted as a super food in Central and South America for years and is a wonderful energy boost, this breakfast will keep you going all day. Try it! 
Acai Bowl, Bogarts, Honolulu 
If Acai is not your thing, Bogarts have an amazing menu which is pretty reasonably priced as the quality of the food is outstanding. Try the Pancakes, or French Toast, both ridiculously yummi! Just to forewarn you, when heading to Bogarts be prepared to wait, bus your own table, and pay with cash (no cards accepted) all this aside, its the most delicious food you will find in Honolulu.  

Next up, Kahumana Cafe, OK yes, I did work here, so you could say the recommendation is a little biased, but the food here is amazing, if organic food is your passion, even if its not, GO HERE! Nothing is over $15, everything on the menu is fresh and homemade, the daily specials vary and include choice of soup or salad. The deserts, well, wow... Robert, the cafe manager, is a wizard at deserts and his Lilikoi cheesecake is to die for, light, refreshing with a little tang, it is the best cheesecake i have ever tasted, and I have had my share of cheesecake, its my weakness.  
The farm is right in front of the cafe for you to admire in all its glory and you can see where your salad, veggies etc have been harvested that very day... Now that is a farm to table experience. 
Lilikoi cheesecke.. Mmmmmm 

Friday, September 7, 2012

Get of the beaten track

Yes yes, I have been rabbiting on about Hawaii a little too much, I love it though, so instead of ranting on bout it, I give you a little advice and some of my fav photees!

Advice: Go of the beaten track... spend one day in Waikiki, spend the rest getting lost, wandering, meeting locals, experience what Hawaii is really about!! The Aloha Spirit x

Snapped at North Shore 

North Shore

Marissa & Juilan - Fellow farmers

Ivan & Jackson Yoks beach x

Christina - sunset - Yoks Beach 
Live Aloha - speaks for itself x

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Follow your heart...

A little soul and style rant today folks,

I'm a little obsessed all things Chakra related, I have the Chakra's tattooed on my spine and when I was leaving for this trip my sister gave me a beautiful gift of a Heart Chakra anklet from which I adore and never take off. Also known as the Anahata, the Heart Chakra is your energy centre for Love, Compassion and Altruism, so when I stumbled upon the Heart Charka (pic below) in the middle of Kahumana, I was so excited. Its no surprise I guess as Kahumana has Love, Compassion and Altruism in absolute abundance.  I, in my hippy mood took its a spiritual sign, but maybe it was just a complete coincidence, either way it made me smile everyday and I am taking it as a sign to follow my heart! 

Heart Chakra Affirmation: I am worthy of love. I am loving to myself & others. There is infinite love for all beings in this world. I live in balance with others. x
Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary.” – Steve Jobs